Giving You The
To Do Business Better
Don't spend time on tasks that aren't generating income! Instead of making calls to schedule inspections, or chasing paperwork, use that time on activities that will generate income!
Top 5 Money Making Activities:
Why Hire a Transaction Coordinator?
Listing Services
The relationship you have with a Seller is very important. Freedom Transaction Services is experienced in providing top notch customer service and will handle many of the tasks to include those below. For a full list of services, reach out and let's talk!
MLS Submission
Discount of
Bundled Services
About Me
With 20 years in the Real Estate industry, my passion for being a reliable resource for Realtors led me to building Freedom Transaction Services in 2022. My mission is to have a professional, experienced, and well-versed transaction coordinator for hire to allow Realtors the freedom to do business better.
With an Associates Degree in Computer Networking and Bachelors in Finance/Accounting, I found myself forever entwined in the Real Estate Community after making my rounds as Tech Coordinator, Agent Services, Market Center Admin/CFO, Agent Assistant, Listing Coordinator and Closing Coordinator. I've made forever friendships and in fell in love with the Real Estate industry.
I've focused my career on creating systems and helping Realtors with paperwork and processes to ensure clients have the customer service they expect and get to the closing table with as little stress as possible. I have the experience to navigate the Real Estate market, create systems from ever changing technology, and to understand the transaction fully from Listing to Closing.
I would love the opportunity to see how I can be an asset and leverage you can add to your team!
Rika, owner
Licensed Real Estate Agent in North Carolina and Texas
Contact Us
Monday - Friday, 9am- 5 pm est